You probably received “sex education” in school. Most of us learned what not to do, with our education focused on avoiding STIs or getting pregnant.
But where do we go to learn how to have great intimacy? Over the years, you may have picked up some things from past partners. But the reality is that most of us have seen porn where sex is mostly displayed as a performative act or an act of domination, and received our adult education from that.
Maybe you've been in a long-term relationship with a partner you love dearly and with whom you've developed a routine over the years. And yet, deep down, you feel a little envious when a friend calls you about their exciting intimate experiences and triumphs....
Maybe you watch movies and see two people throw themselves at each other like there's no tomorrow. And so it happens that sometimes when you think about intimacy with your partner, you are plagued by thoughts like:
"Is this really all there is to this experience?"
"Is my best intimacy already behind me?"
"Will I ever feel an exciting anticipation about intimacy again?"


If this applies to you, you are not alone.
Our society is still figuring out how to explore curiously and unapologetically. The way we think about intimacy has been negatively impacted by puritanical beliefs, poor education, and unrealistic expectations displayed by different media.
That’s why Adamo has created a first-class digital space where couples are allowed to cultivate healthy, fulfilling, and satisfying intimate lives.
You will learn from people who have dedicated their entire careers to intimate and metabolic health.
People who teach how to cultivate true intimacy on every level.
Meet Dr. Molly Maloof, Dr. Saida Désilets and Aaron Michael...
A world-class intimacy coach and author with decades of experience. He specializes in the psychosomatic system that harmonizes mental and physical arousal systems to overcome dysfunction and optimize pleasure.
Aaron Michael, MA
Molly Maloof, MD
The founder and CEO of Adamo, Molly is at the forefront of modern health education, developing revolutionary products and services centered around the science of metabolic health and love.
A psychologist who embraces the psychological and physiological aspects of intimacy. Her central premise revolves around empowering couples to understand and explore their sexual sovereignty.
Saida Désilets, PhD
Together they distill 48 years of combined knowledge into a single method, allowing couples to flourish in their physical health and relationship health.
Meet The Team and Learn More About The Adamo Method
The Adamo Method is designed to help you address your intimacy concerns.
We empower you with knowledge, tools and a new method for intimacy to unlock its full potential. Unlike other solutions, we don’t focus solely on quick fixes, nor rely on therapy methods from the 1960s, but on a holistic approach towards intimacy itself, building on the foundation of true desire and the anatomy of pleasure. Guided by science, our goal is to measure love, identify shortcomings and overcome them with decades of experience in medicine, therapy, and psychology.
Ultimately, we help you create magnificent moments of healthy love and pleasure with your partner.
Who is this for?
Couples who are ready to prioritize their intimate lives
Any sexual orientation or relationship model
Couples who desire to explore their intimacy potential together
Long-term couples who are looking to breathe new life into their routine
Couples whose relationship is impacted by blocks to their intimate life
Couples who face challenges related to intimacy, vulnerability, and trust
Couples who struggle with pain, body shame, or performance anxiety during intimacy
Couples who are nostalgic about the initial desire they experienced at the beginning of the relationship
Single people who are preparing themselves to find the relationship of their dreams

Who is this not for?
Those considering divorce and looking for a “Hail Mary” to save their relationship.
Anyone who has to convince or coerce their partner to join the program. If your partner is joining begrudgingly, just to make you happy, this program is not for you.
Couples who resist talking about intimacy or challenges in their relationship
Couples or individuals looking for a "quick fix"
Anyone who has been diagnosed with sexual dysfunction, who is not currently under the care of a doctor or therapist
Individuals who do not feel safe in their relationship
Folks who have severe or recent sexual trauma and are not currently in therapy
How it Works
The Adamo Method is a 2-month journey designed to be integrated into people's everyday lives:
Week 1 Introduction to the Program
You will be introduced to your guides, orient yourself to the journey and complete assessments to gather your baseline intimacy and relational health status.
Weeks 2 and 3
Individual Empowerment
The foundational weeks will include practices of journaling & meditation designed to:
Invite you to become more familiar with your erotic landscape of your desires
Uncover your unique turn-ons and desires, separate from your partner's
Help you understand your relationship to intimacy and pleasure and how it has been shaped by your life experience
Develop awareness of physical sensations - pleasure, tension, numbness
Prepare you to claim yourself and become a confident lover
Weeks 4 and 5
Creating Arousal
In this phase, you will prepare yourself for penetration by focusing on non-penetrative play with an emphasis on :
Intimacy communication
Body language for consent
Body mechanics for generating more sensation, blood flow and energy
Week 6
Effortless Entry
You will learn:
How to use your pelvic floor to invite a person into your body when "receiving"
Angling for entry when "giving"
Manage weight for movement
The lost art of grinding with your clothes on
Week 8
Follow - Up and Wrap-Up
Week 7
Sexual Movement
We will conclude the journey by:
Learning how to create more secure attachment with your partner with an emphasis on communication and continued practice
Completed the final assessments
Reflecting on what you have learned with your mentors and partner
Providing feedback to the program
You will focus on:
How to create and keep the sensation of suction through the act of penetration
How to signal for what you want
Erotic mapping of your body and your partner's body
The Adamo Method allows you to:
Learn a versatile skills repertoire
Own your intimacy with confidence
Flourish together in your relationship
Create more pleasure during intimacy
Cultivate consent & safety in your intimate life
Have extraordinary intimacy well into your 80's
Smoothly communicate your desires & needs
Make it easier to get aroused (and maintain that state)
Strengthen the emotional bonding with your partner
Know when your body is ready for penetration (to avoid pain or hurting your partner during penetration)
The Adamo Method is a comprehensive journey toward intimacy enhancement and empowerment. We believe that just as you invest in your physical fitness and mental well-being, your intimate health deserves the same attention.
Are you ready to embark on a journey that will revolutionize your life? Take the leap and embrace a new dimension of healthy pleasure today.
Disclaimer: The information provided in The Adamo Method is not intended to replace professional medical advice or treatment. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance and support.